Welcome to my blog about different generations in our family. Every time I tell a story about an ancestor, someone invariably tells me I should write it down. Hopefully their stories won't be forgotten.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Hansen Homestead in Warren, UT

Tracy and I took the kids out to see the house where Grandma Williams (Luella Hansen) grew up. We called Uncle Ed and Aunt Jean to get directions, plugged it into the GPS and away we went.

Grandma described the house in her life sketch: "It was a big two-story house with no basement, with a large kitchen and a pantry, a large living room, two bedrooms and two walk-in closets. One of them had shelves and hooks all around for clothes, etc. There were double doors between the living room and front bedroom so that when it wasn't needed as a bedroom, the doors were opened so as to make a larger or double living room. The upstairs was one large room until I was about 10 or 11 years old. Then partitions were put in to make 4 rooms and two more clothes closets.  My brother Levi and my mother did most of the work on it."

The Hansen House in Warren

Tracy, Shannon and I looked around the front and backyard, after getting permission from the lady living there. It looked like a great place to run and play in, and I can see why Grandma had such great memories of growing up there.

The Hansen Family around 1924
Back row: Ed, Louis, Sarah, Reuben, Walter, Alma, Levi
Front row: Ruby, Orvel, Luella, Melvin and Clarence

The same shot of the house, with me and Tracy in front
The view looking west from the house. It was so peaceful here.

1 comment:

  1. The homestead looks much different than I remember it. It was gray stone and built by my grandfather. My mom was born there. I remember the bedroom on the main floor as the parlor. It had a great pantry, the kind you walk into and stores your pots and pans and you can put a pie out to cool. There was grass but it looks much nicer now. My cousins wife Francine still lives there. He died a few years ago from cancer.
